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Gluten Free Butter Tarts | Happy Canada Day! | 150

Canada is a country of immigrants; it’s what makes us great, the many different cultures coming together.  The best part of this union is of course the food 🙂

When asked what’s a defining dish of Canada Butter Tarts are the first to come to my mind, and like any true family recipe these little guys have many variations.  While my family did not have thier own butter tart recipe to pass down, being that we are only 2 generations Canadian.  I have come up with my own, based on my husband’s family favorite.

This butter tart is of the running variety; just how he loves them.  Of course the crust has been adapted to be gluten free!

Now I don’t normally use the gums in my recipes.  I really don’t mind if GF baked goods tend to fall apart, but, if you want to be able to hold these in your hand the xanthan gum is a must.

Psssst I have made these without the gum and they don’t come out of the shells…instead we eat them with a spoon right out of the pan LOL!!

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