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Chakra Balancing Guided Meditation

Jennifer Heard

Below is the script to the guided mediation MP3. Before you begin, make sure you are in a comfortable seated position without distraction.  

Take a moment to breath, feel the air as it enters your lungs, observe the path it takes through your body.  With mindfulness, feel the air pass by the tip of your nose, down your throat filling your chest, expanding the rib cage, the diaphragm drops as it allows room for even more oxygen.  Now feel the strength of the diaphragm as it pushes the old air out, bringing the belly button back to your spine, the ribs close in again as you become smaller.  Feel the swirl of air in the back of your throat as it leaves the body.

Continue in this way, watching the breath enter and leave, allow the mind to slow down as the breath slows, bringing awareness to the here and now. The breath is the only thing that matters, feel it make its slow progression through the body.  Tune into it, close the ears allow your breath and my voice be the only thing you hear and feel. 

Continue to focus the breath, if the mind wanders gently bring it back to observing the flow of air in and out of your lungs. 

Bring your attention to the base of your spine, this is the root chakra, it grounds us and provides stability and stillness.  With your focus on this spot envision a ball of red light, allow it to ebb and flow with your breath, becoming brighter, clearer, with each inhale.  Focus the energy into the base of your spine and repeat these words to yourself;

“I am peaceful, protected and secure”

“I am peaceful, protected and secure”

“I am peaceful, protected and secure”

Allow the ball to move up your spine, as it comes up to sit at your navel the colour changes to orange: this is your sacral chakra it is the centre for vitality, fertility and physical power.  As you focus your breath into the navel region allow the ball of light to grow an even brighter orange as you repeat this to yourself:

“I am radiant, strong and passionate”

“I am radiant, strong and passionate”

“I am radiant, strong and passionate”

The energy ball moves up once more changing from orange to yellow, it comes to rest just below the ribcage, at the level of the diaphragm; this is the solar plexus, the centre of will.  The balancing point of your emotions: joy and anger, calming frustration allowing for success.  To balance this chakra is to bring a sense of calm and quite power.  As the breath flows and the colour yellow becomes brighter repeat these words:

“I am positively empowered and successful in all I do”

“I am positively empowered and successful in all I do”

“I am positively empowered and successful in all I do”

Yellow turns to green as the energy ball moves up to the heart.  This is the root of compassion and love.  For ourselves, our loved ones and the world around us.  Envision a bright green ball of light, feel the warmth of your loved ones as you repeat:

“I give and receive love effortlessly and unconditionally”

“I give and receive love effortlessly and unconditionally”

“I give and receive love effortlessly and unconditionally”

Swirl the breath of the exhale in the back of your throat as the ball of energy moves up to this point.  Green turns to blue, thoughts become clear and words come easy.  This is your throat chakra, the root of free speech.  To balance this chakra allows communication to become easier.  With focus on a bright blue ball of energy repeat:

“I have the strength and courage to express myself clearly and truthfully”

“I have the strength and courage to express myself clearly and truthfully”

“I have the strength and courage to express myself clearly and truthfully”

Perception, intuition and thought are rooted in the sixth chakra.  Bright blue turns to a deep, dark blue as the energy ball moves to sit between the eyebrows.  Repressed emotions are released, we start to tune into intuition, allow it to guide you in the right direction.  Through this chakra self-realization is attainable.  Focus on the point in the middle of the forehead on the deep blue ball repeat:

“I see the true meaning of life situations, I am one with the Devine”

“I see the true meaning of life situations, I am one with the Devine”

“I see the true meaning of life situations, I am one with the Devine”

As the energy ball moves up, understanding becomes clearer the light turns to purple.  Focus on this purple energy ball as thoughts give way to understanding.  Consciousness is awakened and enlightenment is attainable.  Repeat these words:

“I am complete and one with the divine energy”

“I am complete and one with the divine energy”

“I am complete and one with the divine energy”

Allow all the colours to come together creating a beautiful white light just above the head on an inhale raise the arms to gather the light offering it up to the universe with open palms then pouring it down over yourself with your exhale.  Feel the peace of the white light as it showers down upon you.  Take this peace with you as you slowly open your eyes.




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