The carefree days of summer have come to end, we head back to work, back to school, look towards the end of the year with new beginnings on the horizon. This time of year brings forth mixed emotions.
For Parents: we experience unease at the beginning of a new school year for our children. We are happy to have a return to routine but at the same time miss lazy mornings. My children are in grades 4, 6 and 11 and I still tear-up when they don their backpacks for the first time. Each new grade tells me they are growing up, the greeting hug at the end of the day reassures me that I am still needed!
For Students: there is the excitement at what a new school year holds. There is great social stress at a new group of peers, the change of authority, maybe a new school…
With all these changes on the heart and in the mind me must make allowances to experience these feelings without judgement. Give yourself permission to examine your thoughts and accept them for what they are.
At the end of each day:
Take a few breaths to look over your day. Reflect on your actions and feelings. Give yourself permission, to be fully aware of your feelings without judgement.
Allowance to bring into focus that which is unclear.
Allow yourself to know what you feel so that you can heal what you feel.